
How to develop a technical assignment for developing a mobile application

By May 12, 2020 August 14th, 2020 No Comments

You have an idea for a modern mobile app. There is a structure, a layout, and a ready-made design. Time to turn the idea into reality. On this path, you will not bypass the need to draw up a technical task for development. The build quality of the future mobile application and how much its development (including) costs depends on how detailed the processes are in the technical manual.

What is the role of Technical Assignment in application development

Even if you are confident in your ability to easily explain on the fingers what is needed from technical specialists, the availability of technical specifications will help to avoid misunderstandings associated with different visions on the part of the customer and the contractor. Even if it seems that during the discussion everyone understood each other.

In the field of developing mobile applications, TK acts as a contract for the provision of services: in addition to the characteristics of the future product, it describes the working conditions of the contractor (method and technology of implementation, terms, payment procedure). If, after the delivery of the project, it turns out that the application was built in violation of some of the conditions of the document, the customer may not pay for the work until the contractor corrects the mistakes.

As a contract, TK is legally binding. If there is no agreement of the parties, the conditions of this document cannot be changed – new ones can be added or old ones deleted – after the contractor has started working on it. Once approved, TK becomes the bible of the workflow.

Stages of development of technical specifications for the application

Drawing up a competent instruction has its own instructions for compiling it. If the developer of the terms of reference follows the requirements for writing the terms of reference, this will increase the chances that the final product will be successful.

Ideological stage

The first thing that should become clear to specialists is what is the purpose of the product on which they are working. And the wording “To bring business profit” is not enough.

Marketing research

It all starts with research (field or desk):

  • market analysis as a whole – gives an understanding of the conditions in which the product will work, determines the saturation with supply and the ratio with demand for similar products;
  • competitive comparison with similar offers – carried out to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the product. The revealed data form the basis for the picture of its positioning in the minds of the target audience;
  • drawing up a portrait of the target user – the data collected in the previous two stages allows you to outline what needs the application closes. Target audience research is the definition of users who may experience these needs. Having compiled a portrait of the target client, you can find out what motives drive them in meeting these needs. The result will be an understanding of how to motivate him to install the application on his mobile device and use it for as long as possible.

Determining the Application Mechanisms

There are goals. The next step is to understand how the product will achieve these goals. The mechanisms and technologies used in the application are discussed, issues from the “How?” Sector are being resolved:

  • How is the application structure organized?
  • How is the information displayed in the interface?
  • How are application functions implemented (what technologies are used to implement them)?
  • How is mobile app monetization carried out?

The last point will outline the program for updating the application, which will protect in the future from problems with the implementation of these updates.

Faithfully yours, Monty Doten